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Contoh Logo Reuni

Contoh Logo Reuni

contoh undangan reuni dalam bahasa inggris

1. contoh undangan reuni dalam bahasa inggris

Aloha! You are cordially invited to a weekend of fun in the sun
as we celebrate our ten year class reunion
with a tropical-themed celebration!
Meet and greet bbq on Friday, August 1
4:00PM-8:00 PM
at Perkins Park
i'd very much like you to come :)))

2. contoh susunan acara reuni sd

2.sambutan dari pembina
5.acara bebs
6.foto bersama

maaf kalo slh yaa

3. contoh dialog 2 orang tentang reuni


Wawan : So, how have you been, Sonya? *shake hands* It’s been a very long time. Last time we met was when we were still in high school and it was about over 3 years ago. You remember?
Sonya : I have been very good, Wawan. Oh, yes… time flies. I don’t believe that it has been over 3 years ago since from high school. You look great, Wawan. How have you been, anyway?
Wawan : I have been good too. Thank you. You look gorgeous too, Sonya. Nothing has changed from you.
Sonya : Ha ha. Thank you, Wawan.
Fendi : Hey, Guys!!
Wawan : Wow, look! Is that Fendi?
Sonya : Oh, yes, that is him.
Fendi : Hello, Guys. Wow, it has been very a while. How is it going? How are you? *shakes hands with Wawan and Sonya*
Wawan : I’m fine, Fendi. How are you?
Sonya : I’m good too. How are you, Fendi?
Fendi : Yeah, I’m so good as well like always! Ha ha ha. Speaking of which, it has been a long time, right? Nothing so much has changed from you two. Just like usual, Sonya. You always look gorgeous since the first time we met, especially with that dress you are wearing now.
Sonya : Oh, hee hee. Thank you, Fendi. You haven’t even changed a bit as well, Fendi. As usual, you always look cheerful and energetic wherever and whenever you are.
Fendi : Hahaha. Yeah, that is me. And you, Wawan… I think your body look more weighted than before. Do you work out often? I remember that you were still a thin little man back in high school. Heeheehee~
Wawan : Haha. That’s right, Fendi. I came to gym to work out a lot. Since this last two years, I have been working on my weight-increasing program as well. I just wanted to transform my body from a thin little man and it seems that my efforts have been going well.
Fendi : That is great, Wawan. I’m glad you did it.
Sonya : So, what is your bustle now, Fendi?
Fendi : Now I am working on a private company in South Jakarta. I’m an accountant. Actually, I have just graduated about 3 months ago and fortunately I got the job when I applied to this company. And you, what have you been doing, Guys?
Wawan : Just like you, Fendi. I have also graduated from my university about 3 months ago. I have been looking for a job. But, it seems that I haven’t managed to get one. I wish I can get one quickly like you, Fendi.
Fendi : That is great, Wawan. I’m cheering for you. And you, Sonya?
Sonya : I’m still going on with my education for my bachelor degree. I hope it will be going well.
Fendi : That is great, Sonya. I wish for the best for you.
Sonya : Thank you, Fendi.
Wawan : Hey, let’s have some smoothies!


Anton: Hey How are you Sakti, Adam? Long time no see. Where do you go?

Sakti and Adam: We are fine Anton. We are going to go to Eros home. Do you want to join us?

Anton: Is there any activity for us?

Sakti: Yup Anton, we want to make our class reunion. We will hold a reunion with all of our senior high school friend. We want to meet Eros to inform this good news.

Adam: Yes, this will be a big reunion we ever had. Come on just join us Anton.

Anton: Sounds great. Okay wait a minute, I will wear my shoes.

Sakti and adam: Okay, just hurry up friend.

Anton: Okay I have been ready for going there. Should we go there by motor cycle or car?

Sakti: No, Eros’s house is not far from here. We can go there by walking. We only need five minutes to go there.

Adam: Okay let’s go there.

Anton and Sakti: All right brother.

At Eros’s Home

Adam, Anton, Sakti : Good morning, anybody home?

Eros: Yes, I am coming. Who is there? Oh my god, Anton, Adam, Sakti, how are you guys?

Adam, Anton, Sakti : We are good, my friend. How’s about you?

Eros: I am fine too. Is there something that you want to inform me guys?

Adam: Yes of course, we want to make a reunion with all of our senior high school friends. How do you think about that?

Eros: That is not only the brilliant idea, but that makes my dream come true. For long time I am always waiting for the reunion. Meeting with our friend, that is an interesting activity. When it will be held guys?

Anton: We haven’t got the right time. I want us to make a meeting to discuss about that.

Sakti: Hey friend, don’t you remember that we haven’t informed Duta about this?

Adam: Oh my god. Eros, do you know where Duta’s home is?

Eros: I don’t know where it is. But I have his phone number. Maybe we can call him to come here.

Anton: That’s a good idea. Come on call him, Eros.

At the phone…

Eros: Ok I am still trying. Hello Duta?

Duta: Yes I am Duta here. Who is it?

Eros: This is me, Eros your senior high school friend. Could you come to my house now? There are Anton, Adam, and Sakti here. We want to discuss about reunion.

Duta: Eros? Great. Wow, sounds good. How about you al, come to my house. Because my mother asked me to keep my house. You can go to Bitter Melon Street Number 5 . Okay friend?

Eros: Okay Duta. Just wait us for 15 minutes.

Eros: Duta asked us to go his house because he must keep his house. He cannot go everywhere. Let’s go there friend.

Anton, Sakti, Adam: Okay Let’s go.

moga membantu

4. Contoh karangan liburan sekolah tentang reuni smp

reuni akbar,temu kangen guru
maqf kalo salah

5. contoh iklan pengumuman yaitu iklan reuni dan iklan.........


Duka cita


Iklan pengumuman adalah jenis iklan yang bertujuan untuk mengumumkan atau menyampaikan kepada masyarakat dan khalayak ramai baik di nasional maupun lokal daerah mengenai suatu berita informasi, kejadian, lelang, merger perusahaan, RUPS, pindah alamat kantor dan acara yang penting lainya baik dari perorangan maupun perusahaan.

6. contoh surat undangan reuni dalam bahasa inggris beserta gambarnya

Gampang caranya

kamu bikin versi indonesia trus di translete deh gampang kan

Semoga berhasil

7. Contoh naskah pembawa acara reuni smp

Bapak Kepala Sekolah yang kami hormati,
Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu Guru yang kami hormati,
Mantan Bapak Kepala Sekolah yang kami hormati,
Mantan Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu Guru yang kami hormati,
Rekan-rekan yang kami muliakan, Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Salam sejahtera dan salam bahagia!
Pertama-tama marilah kita mengucapkan syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT, atas berkah dan rahmat-Nya kepada kita semuanya yang ada di sini, sehingga kita masih diberi panjang usia, masih diberi kesempatan berkumpul bersama-sama dalam rangka mengadakan reuni di sekolah kita tercinta ini. Yang ke dua kami atas nama panitia, sebagai pemandu acara, menyampaikan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya atas perhatian rekan-rekan alumni yang dengan bersemangat tinggi penuh kebersamaan mengadakan pertemuan dalam rangka reuni bersama. Selamat datang dan selamat bertemu kembali.
Hadirin yang kami hormati, tak terlupakan pula, kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada Bapak-Bapak kita yang dahulu menjadi pengasuh tercinta kita, yang sekarang masih saja tetap seperti dulu, penuh dengan semangat. Hadirin yang berbahagia, perjalanan masih panjang, maka sebagai pemandu acara reuni hari ini, baiklah kami bacakan saja susunan acara reuni pada hari ini, sebagai berikut : 1. Pembukaan, sekaligus telah kami bawakan
2. Sambutan Ketua Panitia
3. Spontanitas sambutan dari rekan kita alumnus ’01
4. Sambutan wakil alumnus ’01
5. Spontanitas sambutan dari rekan kita alumnus ’01
6. Sambutan wakil alumnus ’01
7. Sambutan mantan Bapak Kepala Sekolah kita
8. Ramah tamah bersama
9. Spontanitas sambutan dari rekan kita alumnus ’01
10. Sambutan wakil alumnus ’01
11. Ramah tamah bersama dan saling memberikan cindera mata
12. Doa bersama
13. Pemberian cindera mata untuk mantan sesepuh kita Bapak Kepala Sekolah yang lama
14. Ramah tamah dan hiburan
15. Foto bersama, penutup

8. Contoh penjelasan logo /presentasi logo kelas


logo mengalami deformasi bentuk mulai dari

bentuk-bentuk logo yg rumit hingga menjadi sebuah bentuk yg sederhana dan mudah diingat

9. apa yang dimaksud iklan reuni dan berikan salah satu contohnya!! ​


Iklan dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa jenis, jadi Anda perlu mengetahui tentang jenis jenis iklan tersebut.

Iklan bisa dikategorikan menurut media, jenis produk, dan sebagainya. Tidak ada metodologi sederhana untuk membedakan berbagai jenis iklan.

Keberadaan iklan sangatlah penting karena merupakan cara yang baik untuk meningkatkan kwalitas dan kwantitas suatu perusahaan/organisasi.

Produk atau layanan terhebat di dunia tidak akan menghasilkan uang kecuali konsumen tahu bahwa produk itu memang ada.

Ketika berbicara tentang periklanan, Anda harus ingat bahwa ada banyak pendekatan yang berbeda.

Periklanan menyediakan jalur komunikasi langsung ke pelanggan yang sudah ada dan calon pelanggan tentang produk atau layanan Anda.

Contoh :

Iklan seminar

Iklan berita duka cita

Iklan lelang

Iklan reuni akbar

Iklan lowongan pekerjaan


semoga membantu,dan maaf kalau salah


The school era end, the memories live, and our friendship still as our school life”
The committee of the reunion
of the graduating class of 1990
invites our friends out there to
our 25th years of reunion.
The reunion will take on
August 30th, 2015
start at 18.00 on Hotel Malioboro, Yogyakarta.
It is a great happiness to gather with all friends from the graduating class of 1990.
We will gather to share the experience of life and recall our young era memories.
The reunion will be preceded by the light dinner at 19.00 pm
then we will have the memories time.

Please register yourself on
Meli 0853 6574 ******
Jansen 0899 **************
The registration will close on August 10th, 2015.
Thank you.

11. contoh undangan reuni yang singkat ya,

hi friends
we invite all his friend at the ..........(almamater) on
days: sunday, september 21 2014
hours: 10.00.am
place:(nama sekolahan yang mau ngadain reuni)
fee:( bayaran ) rp.10.000 or rp.15.000

we expect the arrival of your
sweet greetings

your friends

12. contoh undangan reuni yang singkat ya,

                  hi teman-teman seperjuangan, udah lama nih gak ketemu...pasti udah pada pangling yak...
buat temen-temen sekolahku dulu aku mau undang kalian buat reunian nih....  seru pasti :
tempat    :
waktu      :
 hanya itu saja kok diharapkan semuanya dateng ya.... muachhh
   love yours

13. contoh undangan reuni tidak resmi dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya


Example 1:

Time flies like the rocket.
It’s unbelievable that it’s been 10 years.
Please make your presence at the 10th reunion of Sumedang Senior High School, Surabaya.
We are from 2005 graduation years really pleased
to invite you to the 10th reunion on
October 2nd, 2015.
Gathering and greeting hour at 18.00,
dinner time at 19.00,
dancing at 20.00.
The venue will be on Hotel Mangga Kembar,
Jl. Buah Besar, Surabaya.
The registration will be available on September 1st to 20th, 2013.
RVSP on 0822 4567 8909 or 0857 6543 6789.
Thank you.
Dress: Formal and casual


Contoh 1: Waktu berlalu seperti roket. Tidak dapat dipercaya bahwa sudah 10 tahun. Silakan hadir di reuni ke 10 SMA Sumedang, Surabaya. Kami dari tahun wisuda tahun 2005 sangat senang untuk mengundang Anda ke reuni ke-10 2 Oktober 2015 Gathering dan jam ucapan pukul 18.00, waktu makan malam jam 19.00, menari pukul 20.00. Tempatnya akan berada di Hotel Mangga Kembar, Jl. Buah Besar, Surabaya. Pendaftaran akan tersedia pada tanggal 1 sampai 20 September 2013. RVSP di 0822 4567 8909 atau 0857 6543 6789. Terima kasih.
Gaun: Formal dan santai

14. contoh pengumuman reuni sekolah dalam bahasa inggris

mading sekolah

15. contoh undangan acara reuni dalam bahasa inggris

Alumni Reunion Invitation

The University of Education and Science cordially invites you to the Alumni Reunion 2016,

on Monday, the first of March two thousand and sixteen, at six o’clock in the evening.
at the Eatery Park of the University of Educationa and Science.

We look forward to seeing you.

RSVP by February 29, 2016 to uesreunionprogram@gmail.com
The invitation is valid for one person only.
Dresscode: Casual

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