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Pengumuman Smits

Pengumuman Smits

Jack is Jacob uncle.his son ia jacob's...Ben is smits nephew,his is father is smits...Tolong ya ^_^​

Daftar Isi

1. Jack is Jacob uncle.his son ia jacob's...Ben is smits nephew,his is father is smits...Tolong ya ^_^​

Jack is Jacob's uncle. Jack son is Jacob's Cousin

Ben is Smits nephew. His father is Smits Brother

Semoga Bermanfaat:)

Maaf Kalau Salah

2. teori-teori pembangunan ekonomi menurut adam smits

Teori Adam Smith
Adam Smith (1723-1790) memandang pembangunan ekonomi sebagai proses pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perkembangan ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme pasar. Suatu perekonomian akan tumbuh dan berkembang jika mekanisme pasar berjalan baik dan sempurna. Syarat yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah investasidan spesialisasi yang dikontrol melalui mekanisme pasar. Peranan pemerintah hanya mengupayakan agar mekanisme pasar dapat berjalan baik. Untuk itu, yang harus dilakukan pemerintah adalah pemeliharaan keamanan, penegakan hukum, dan penyediaan barang publik, seperti pendidikan dan kesehatan. 

3. MR. Smits and Robert are Cooking Much Food In Our Restourant this moment. Change this sentence Into Interrogative (?) In present Continuous​


Are Mr. Smits and Robert cooking much food in our restaurant this moment?


pattern :

to be + subject + verb-ing + kalimat sisanya + ?

4. 1. Her cook is … than my mother’s cook. *A. spicierB. more spicyC. most spicyD. spiciest2. The buildings in Dubai are the … buildings all around the world.A. higherB. most highC. highestD. more high3. Rony’s design is … than other design.A. worstB. worseC. badderD. baddest4. Living in London needs … money than living in our country.A. more manyB. most muchC. moreD. most5. Do you have a … knife than this one? A. sharpestB. more sharpC. most sharpD. sharper6. The harvest this year is … than last year. A. lessB. mostC. more littleD. lesser7. What is the … thing in your life? *A. most importantB. more importantC. importanterD. importantest8. The banana flake is … than the cassava flake.A. crunchiestB. more crunchyC. crunchierD. most crunchy9. Among those three sisters, Rica is the … girl.A. lovelierB. loveliestC. more lovelyD. most lovely10. Don’t you want to be a … boy than before?A. gooderB. betterC. more goodD. most good11. Ana’s dress is … than her step sister’s.A. brighterB. brightestC. more brightD. most bright12. I think having good manner is … than having good out looking. A. neccesarierB. necessariestC. more necessaryD. most necessary13. My sister always gets the … score at any subjects at her school.A. gooderB. goodestC. betterD. best14. She looks very … now than yesterday.A. freshestB. fresherC. more freshD. most fresh15. Don’t be always late! You should try to come …A. earliestB. earlyestC. earlierD. earlyer16. Plane is the … transportation.A. fastestB. fasterC. more fastD. most fast17. My house is … than my close friend’s house to our school.A. farrerB. furtherC. farestD. furthest18. George is the … member of the Smits family.A. more youngB. youngerC. youngestD. most young19. Which statement is correct?A. Russia is more larger than USA.B. My house is bigger then his house.C. The children are taller than their parents.D. I am not more smarter than my brother.20. My mother’s bag costs 200k, my aunt’s bag costs 350k.A. My mother’s bag is more expensive than my aunt’s bag.B. My Aunt’s bag is most expensive than my mother’s bag.C. My Aunt’s bag is cheaper than my mother’s bag.D. My Aunt’s bag is more expensive than my mother’s bag.(Tlg jgn ngasal)​


1. Her cook is spicier (a.) than my mother’s cook.

2. The buildings in Dubai are the highest (c.) buildings all around the world.

3. Rony’s design is worse (b.) than other design.

4. Living in London needs more (c.) money than living in our country.

5. Do you have a sharper (d.) knife than this one?

6. The harvest this year is less (a.) than last year.

7. What is the most important (a.) thing in your life?

8. The banana flake is crunchier(c.) than the cassava flake.

9. Among those three sisters, Rica is the loveliest (b.) girl.

10. Don’t you want to be a better (b.) boy than before?

11. Ana’s dress is brighter (a.) than her step sister’s.

12. I think having good manner is more necessary (c.) than having good out looking.

13. My sister always gets the best (d.) score at any subjects at her school.

14. She looks very fresher (b.) now than yesterday.

15. Don't be always late! You should try to come earlier (c.)

16. Plane is the fastest (a.) transportation.

17. My house is further (b.) than my close friend's house to our school.

18. George is the youngest (c.) member of the Smits family.

19. Which statement is correct? The children are taller than their parents (c.)

20. My mother's bag costs 200k, my aunt's bag costs 350k. My Aunt’s bag is more expensive than my mother’s bag. (d.)

1. B. More spicy

2. C. Highest

3. C. Badder

4. C. More

5. A. Sharpest

6. A. Less

7. A. Most important

8. C. Crunchier

9. B. Loveliest

10. A. Gooder

11. A. Brighter

12. A. Neccesarier

13. C. Better

14. B. Fresher

15. C. Earlier

16. D. Most fast

17. C. Farest

18. C. Youngest

19. B. My house is bigger then his house

20. D. My Aunt's bag is more expensive than my mother's bag

Sorry if it's wrong ((´^ω^))

5. 2. Teks bacaan!Pusat Primata terbesar di dunia berada di Indonesia. Tepatnya di kawasan Kebun BinatangRagunan, Jakarta. Pada tahun 2002. Gubernur DKI Jakarta meresmikan Pusat PrimataSchmutzer yang merupakan pemberian dari mendiang Nyonya Puck Schmutzer, seorangpecinta satwa. Pembangunan Pusat Primata Schmutzer ini dirancang oleh Willie Smits,dibantu Nyonya Ulla von Mengden dan Radya. Menghabiskan dana sekitar 14 miliar rupiah.Area yang luasnya mencapai 13 hektar ini menampung berbagai spesies primata dari seluruhIndonesiaBagaimana pembangunan Pusat Primata Schmutzer?Jawab:​


Pembangunan Pusat Primata Schmutzer ini dirancang oleh Willie Smits,

dibantu Nyonya Ulla von Mengden dan Radya. Menghabiskan dana sekitar 14 miliar rupiah.

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