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Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Asking For Help

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Asking For Help

contoh soal pilihan ganda asking for help

1. contoh soal pilihan ganda asking for help

Andy : "oh my god, my PC is hang! i don't know how to fix it!"

Rico : "Oh, i learned about computers in Sydney for 3 years"

Rico : "......................"

Andy : "Yeah, sure. Thanks a lot, Rico!"

A. May i borrow your PC?

B. Ok, thank you, Andy.

C. Can i help you fix your PC?

D. Oh, i do not want to help you.

Jwbn : C

Dina: "Oh my god, what should I do? I can't fix my phone! Tomorrow will be presentation"

Rito: "Hmm, maybe I can fix it"

Rito: "................"

Dina: "Of course you can, but please be fast"

Rito: "Okay"

A. Can I play your phone?

B. Okay, what should I do?

C. May I check your phone, then I will fix it?

D. Oh my god, what do you do?

Answer: C

Sorry if this answer is wrong

2. Buatlah 10 soal pilihan ganda asking for help

1. Jane: You look pale.

Jim: I've got a serious headache.

Jane:  ....................

A. Let me take you to the restaurant.

B. What about a glass of avocado juice?

C. Let me take you to the hospital.

D. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?

2. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.

Jerry: ............................

A. Just don't answer it.

B. Let's stop studying and go playing.

C. Would you like a cup of coffee?

D. Let me help you working on it.

3. Mike: Oh my God, I left my book at home.

Dave: ...........................

A. Shall I take it for you?

B. Just forget it.

C. Let me take you to school.

D. I'll treat you chicken noodles.

4. Nick: Sir, I think I'm lost.

Jeremy: .............................

A. Let me help you carrying your bag.

B. Can I help you? I know this place.

C. May I help you? I have a dog too.

D. Shall I clean your shoes.

5. Steve: I don't understand chemistry at all.

Banner: .................................

A. How about having dinner with me?

B. How about going to the beach?

C. How about studying together with me?

D. How about calling the police?

6. Natasha: I want to go shopping but I don't have any vehicle.

Wanda: .................................

A. Shall I take you to the hospital with my car?

B. Shall I take you to the school with my car?

C. Shall I take you to the market with my car?

D. Shall I take to the zoo with my car?

7. May: Ah, these books are so heavy.

Ethan: .................................

A. Let me help you throwing them away.

B. Let me help you sorting them.

C. Let me help you cleaning them.

D. Let me help you carrying them.

8. Sam: My car won't start.

Anna: ............................

A. May I help you? I know about car.

B. May I help you? I know about construction.

C. May I help you? I know about electricity.

D. May I help you? I know about bicycle.

9. Liz: I'm very thirsty.

Mary: ......................

A. Should I bring you a bottle of sauce?

B. Should I bring you a bowl of noodles?

C. Should I bring you a glass of orange juice?

D. Should I bring you a can of soup?

10.  Upin: I have a lot of things to do. I'm confused which one to do first.

Ipin: ..............................

A. What can I do for you?

B. Where should we go?

C. When can you do that?

D. How are you?

3. contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang asking for attention

1. Roxy: Hey, Jane!
Jane: What is it, Roxy?
Roxy: Please pay attention!
Jane: Alright, sorry! What is it?

From the dialogue above, Roxy is... (Jawabannya C)
A. Asking for help
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Asking for attention
D. Lending a hand

2. Teacher: Dave, pay attention!
Dave: Oh, sorry, Sir.

From the dialogue above, the Teacher is... (Jawabannya A)
A. Asking for attention
B. Giving a suggestion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Trying to help

Semoga bermanfaat.


4. contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang asking,giving and refusing a help

Asking help:
Bryan: Nugy, where are you?Nugy: I’m in the house. What’s matter?Bryan: oh _____________ .Nugy: I’d like to help you. For what?
1. Complete the dialogue above with suitable expression ...
.A.Would you like some help?
B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
D. Let me help you
E. No, you don’t need to help

Refusing help:
Romy: May I help you ?Deny: Hmmm.Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
2. The underlined sentence express ..... A.Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offer
E. Accepting an offer

Giving help:
Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman?Olaf: Yes, of course. _____
.3. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. I won’t B. I will
C. I will not D. Will I?E. Shall I?

*Semoga membantu :)

5. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang asking for understanding dan jawaban nya

1.Edo:Can I... you something, there is something I dont know
Beli:Yeah sure
A. Ask
B. Give
C. Tell
D. Take
2.Teacher:Do you... the question?
Students: Yes Sir!
A. Understand
B. Ask
C. Thanks
D. Give

6. Berikan 3 contoh pilihan ganda asking for permission !

1. Excuse me, miss
2. May I sit here sir
3. Can I use this chair sir

7. Contoh 10 soal pilihan ganda tentang asking and giving help?

giving help
1.can i help you bring this glass

8. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang asking and giving help?

Andi    : Hi, Nila.
Nila     : Hi, Andi.
Andi    : What are you doing?
Nila     : Well. I’m planting a rose now.
Can you help me get the flower pot over there, please?
Andi    : Yes, of course.
Andi takes the flower pot and gives it to Nila.
Andi    : Here you are.
Nila     : Thank you, Andi.
Andi    : You’re welcome. These flowers are beautiful. Are they all yours?
Nila     : Yes. My mother bought them for me.
Andi    : Oh, I see. By the way, would you like me to water the flowers?
Nila     : No, thanks. You don’t have to.

1. Nila     : Well. I’m planting a rose now. 
Can you help me get the flower pot over there, please?
the underlined utterance expresses asking for ...
a. information
b. a help
c. suggestion
d. something

2. Andi    : Oh, I see. By the way, would you like me to water the flowers?
he underlined utterance expresses ...
a. asking for help
b. decline a help
c. giving a help
d. giving something

9. Tuliskan contoh soal pilihan ganda asking for agreement


Before I give this to my boss, ________.

A. Do you have an agreement?

B. I need you to sign here for an agreement.

C. Do you need an agreement?

D. I will sign here for an agreement.


10. buatkan soal asking for attention pilihan ganda

1) Attention Please !
2) Student! please look at me !

semacam gini bukan:
Hey attention please!
Look at me,i bring a new marker for our class!
Hi guys,i have an announcement!
Listen to me for the real rule at this class!
Hello,do you know where is toilet in this school?

11. contoh 10 soal pilihan Asking For Help beserta jawabannya.

can you help me to close the door please?

could you leave me alone?

Nb: perbedaan could dan can yaitu could(untuk lebih sopan) can(untuk informal) dan setiap kata kerja setelah itu harus berbentuk V1 tanpa s/es karna can dan could adalah modal

12. 1. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang asking for attention 2. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang checking someone understanding 3. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang appreciation

A) Rafasya: Do you know, my new roomate is very choosey. I don’t like her character.
Gilang : Really?
Rafasya: Embarrassing. He just talks big!
Gilang : Mmmmhh….
Rafasya: She is only concerned with herself and told about his branded things.
Gilang : Really?

1. The underlined word is showing …
A. Showing interesting news
B. Responding Admiration
C. Asking Attention
D. Responding of certainty
E. Showing Attention

2. Why Rafasya very angry with his new girlfriend?
A. She is annoying
B. She is generous
C. She is very talkaktive
D. She is very kind
E. She is very nice

13. Contoh 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang asking and giving help?

teacher : Look! your class is very dirty.
               Sweep the floor , please !
Students : ......
B.Let's go to the canteen
C.Thank you
D.That's Ok

Alan : Turn off your computer before you leave this room,please
Alex :  .....
A.No , never
B.Argh... finee
D.see you

14. contoh soal giving fact and asking for , pilihan ganda 5 soalyang bisa tolong y

A: Hey did yu know how to make a rain
B:I dont know, how ?
A. Its easy, you just need to make a smoke , just like indian's

What does Atalking  about ?

15. Contoh soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris tentang Asking for Attention?


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